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Canine Education for Humans

D4D hopes to increase knowledge and tolerance by reducing ignorance.


Giving forward thinking a four paw approach!

Learning happens each and every day in a variety of ways all around us. Many of us are old enough to remember when learning was a 2D, one-way street…we’ve come a long way baby! Now it’s available in D4D!

Parent-Child Moments: 
Be there for the AH-HA moment! Soothe a possible fear and prevent a phobia.
Learn critical life skills through our four paw approach.

Parents and caretakers often plant the first seeds on how we approach and interpret our world. Let us facilitate and enrich this experience with our canine crew! If it is a fear of big teeth on four fast legs or settling an argument on being truly ready for a dog—Let D4D lend you a helping paw—or four—or more in any case! We can accommodate most schedules and locations like in your home, at a local park, and of course you are welcome to explore the D4D facility.*

K-12, Vocational, Scouts, or other Learning Centers:
Enrich your curriculum with a four paw approach. Help keep it relevant by bringing modern, animal related topics into the learning center. Reach core competencies in a more dynamic way. 

Formal schooling plays an important role in transitioning our children into confident, capable, contributing members of our community. D4D offers a variety of programs to help foster awareness, acceptance, curiosity, responsibility, and so much more. Compliment your lesson plans with a D4D approach! We can design or work collaboratively with you to develop age appropriate learning activities (with or without dogs present) for everything from nutrition, to career day, to public speaking, to diversity education! Plan your next field trip to the D4D facility* or we can come to your classroom.

Learning Everywhere:
Most of us spend better than two-thirds of our lives away from home. Adding a D4D experience can break the monotany of the day and increase retention.

Consider D4D for your next community, business, or organization training event. We do live demonstrations, power point presentations, and can cater to your audience. Reach your corporate goals in a memorable way, Diversity training, safety awareness, -You come to us* or we come to you!

Existing Enrichment Programs:

All programs can be altered to fit the needs of the audience and can be given with or without canine presence. The descriptions given below are simplified for listing purposes and mentioned based on popularity.

What are Service Dogs: Defines & Identifies 10 known service dog areas and the groups they serve


Service Dog Etiquette: Generalized rules of engagement, People with Disabilities, Discrimination


Dealing with Aggressive Dogs: strays, at large, your own, strategies and survival


Big, Bad Dog: training, fear confrontation, the law, etc.


Ankle Biters: small dogs need training too! the law, etc.


Types of Dogs: Breed & Tendency Introduction, Most Common & Most Unique


Choosing the Right Dog: Puppy, Adult, Rescue? Breed & Tendency Information


Careers Working with Animals: Obvious and the not so obvious


Public Speaking,  Debate, Your Right to Vote: Branches of government, Constitution, Amendments, BSL


Basic Training Series

  -Sit, Stay, Come

  -Walk on a leash

   -Being a Good Neighbor

   -Puppy Awareness

   -Socialization for All Dogs

   -Bathing & Grooming Your Dog

   -Basic Health & Wellness

   -Get Involved, Activities, Competitions, etc.


Got an idea for a program or series? Call us!

Does D4D need to come to your school or establishment? Call Us!

*All facility visits are by appointment only, we are currently under construction and want to ensure the safety of all.

*Our conference centers and classrooms have limited seating & capacity-Plan Ahead, Call Ahead!

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